3 Reasons Why You Are Seeing 666 – The Meaning of 666


Top Reasons Why You Keep Seeing 666 - Meaning of 666

You were guided here to find out about the meaning of 666 if you have been constantly seeing 666 repeat in your life. At your heart's core, you start to realize that seeing the number 666 sequence repetitively is not just a coincidence, because you have a deep knowing that 666 is a divine message for you. And in this moment, you are here to discover what the symbolic meaning of 666 means to you.

Seeing the 3-digit number pattern 666 can mean that there is an imbalance in your life and your thoughts are not aligned with the Universe. The 666 meaning, in this case, is a wake-up call for you to re-examine your current situation and change the direction of your thoughts so you can raise your vibration to a more positive frequency.

To discern your thoughts, listen to your body. When your thoughts are in alignment with the Universe, your body and mind feel good (e.g. sense of peace, calmness, and clarity). On the other hand, when your thoughts are not aligned with the Universe, you can feel discomfort, pain, or constriction in any part of your body (e.g. heart, stomach, knee, lower back). As you become aware of the feelings in your physical body, you will begin to understand that they are your greatest spiritual teachers to help you move forward with the right choices in life.

Together with your divine team of angels and spirit guides, they all work together to help you navigate through life.  Because of your free-will choices, they cannot make the decision for you, but they will act as coaches to nudge you on the right path toward your end goal. As an angel message, seeing 666 repeatedly is a reminder of your divine purpose and making decisions that put you on the right path.

It is essential to understand that when you see 666 repetitively, there are multiple meanings, and it is important to contemplate what 666 means to you. To explore the meaning of 666 further, here is WILLOW SOUL's list of the spiritual meanings of 666 and the reasons why you keep seeing angel number 666 everywhere.

1st Meaning of 666: Align Your Thoughts With The Universe

 Life, as you know it, is carbon-made — humans too. Carbon is made from 6 electrons, 6 neutrons, and 6 protons. Hence, in your material form, you represent the significance of 666.

On a soul level, you chose to incarnate into a physical body to accomplish a mission in this material world. You came into the physical world to grow yourself as much as you possibly can, and at the same time, this benefits all living beings because we are all connected as one.

Everything you do — every word you speak and every action you make—has a ripple effect on other people’s lives. As a result, you are already being a spiritual person in this material world — just by being human, and this deed in itself is a great spiritual act.

As soon as you see 666 repetitively, the significant meaning is to balance your thoughts so they are aligned with the Universe. Your thoughts become words, and words have high energy vibrations that create the reality that surrounds you. When used with positive feelings, words are the creator of your reality. Without words, a thought can never become a reality.

So, when you keep seeing 666, remember this: If you want to create a better world, you need to start with yourself.  Your thoughts are responsible for everything that happens in your life, and they work together with the creative power of the Universe.  You are a manifestation of the Universal mind. When thinking about how you create your own reality, the following quote comes to mind: 

"Watch your thoughts, they become words;
watch your words, they become actions;
watch your actions, they become habits;
watch your habits, they become character;
watch your character, for it becomes your destiny."

2nd Meaning of 666: Remember Your True Divine Nature and Dream Big

 When you are heavily focused on the small things of the material world, seeing 666 is an angelic message for you—a reminder that you are more than what you think. You are an infinite being with infinite possibilities. There are no limits to what you can achieve.

It all starts with dreaming big dreams about who you can become and the amazing things you can accomplish. According to American author, Brian Tracy, a wise man once said, “You must dream big dreams for only big dreams have the power to move the minds of men."

Most importantly, make sure your dreams are about your contribution to the world.  As you dream and discover your passion, do not let failure stop you. Failure allows you to reassess yourself and allows you to develop the skills to be better next time. It allows you to grow, but do not let failure define you, let failure refine you!

You were born for a reason. You were born with unique talents and skills to accomplish something amazing in this world. It is up to you to figure out what that is.

Emmet Fox, the author of "Power Through Constructive Thinking," says “Your Heart's Desire is the Voice of God, and that Voice must be obeyed sooner or later."

After today, go out and find that voice. When you dedicate time to find that voice, you will change the world with that big dream you have. You will change the world for yourself, you will change the world for the people around you, and ultimately you will make a difference in this world.

So, when you constantly see the number 666, it is a divine sign for you to remember to dream big so that you can reach your full potential.  You are limitless.

"If you can dream it, you can do it."  – Walt Disney, American Entrepreneur (1901 - 1966)

3rd Meaning of 666: Transform Your Life With "Positive Thinking"

 Another meaning for seeing 666 is that your day-to-day thoughts are illusions based on the fears and worries of the physical world.

If you want your life to get better, you have to get better too. In other words, your outer world mirrors your inner world. If you want your life to improve, you must improve who you are on the inside. In matters of the heart, if you want to have better relationships, you must become a better person. For example, when you fall in love with who you are, you awaken this love within you, and you naturally attract and experience more romantic love in your relationships.

So when you change your inner world, you can raise your vibration to create what you want. Everything in your life has manifested because it matches the vibration from your own thoughts.

You are the creator of your life so make sure you are consciously creating what you want by choosing the right thoughts. Your life reflects your vibrational thinking.

The next time you see 666, it is a sign to raise your vibration by choosing positive thoughts. Remember this: it is your attitude that determines your direction in life.

Conclusion: What Should You Do When You Keep Seeing 666?

 Seeing 666 is a sign to align your thoughts with your higher purpose. This is a wake-up call to turn within. When you change your thoughts, your life purpose eventually becomes clear, you are on track, and your life begins to embrace a flow of grace and ease.

A good way to know when you are in alignment with the Universe is to listen to your body. You know you are in alignment when your heart feels open. There are other body sensations you may feel when you are in alignment, but the most basic feeling you will have is the feeling that you are on top of this world when you are in alignment with the Universe.

Everything flows and it is all about vibrational harmony. The vibration of your thoughts creates your life. To help you connect with the Universe, you can exercise, sing and dance, be with loving people, do fun activities you love, wear clothes and colors that cheer you up, make your home a soothing sanctuary, eat whole foods that nourish your body, schedule quiet time, and most of all—be thankful for everything you already have.

When you see 666, it is a reminder that you are in your current situation because you made decisions that got you there. If you want to change your direction, it is totally up to you to change your thoughts and make decisions today that will eventually change your path.

Remember this:  Thoughts hold power for creation and your experience in this lifetime is created by the way you think.

And so in the beginning... the thought came first, and then on the day of creation, God said, "Let there be light," and there was light manifest.

PUBLISHER'S NOTE: This website, WillowSoul.com, is copyrighted, and no part of this website may be copied, reproduced, recorded, or used in any manner. Copyright © by WILLOW SOUL

1111 angel number art and clothing designed to discreetly show others that they are not alone when seeing repetitive numbers.

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  • Michele on

    Thank you so much for this article. It makes so much sense. It’s also calming to me because I have always associated the number 666 with Satan and the mark, etc. so I’ve been on edge since seeing it come up so often recently.

    The article clears it up for me though. It will be hard to summarize 5 years in a comment post but I’ll try.

    My aunt passed in 2012 the day after Thanksgiving. That sent me into a depression because I hadn’t been able to see her in a number of years. My husband and I had planned trips — like a Midwest tour of the country which would have included a stop to see my aunt and that side of the family. He always canceled them because of money or one trip wasn’t going to include the kids, so he canceled because he didn’t want to leave the kids that long etc… Anyway, when she died, it was just so final, you know? I am a Christian so I know it’s not really final but on earth it is — I’ll never be able to see or talk to her again in an earthly fashion.

    I had been a stay-at-home mom for the previous 10 years and my husband was feeling the pressure of 1 income, so he had pushed for me to re-enter the workforce and I worked in retail for a month. I was working there when my aunt passed and it was too much for me. I didn’t want to do it and couldn’t do it, so I quit. A few months later, I got a job in an office that was supposed to be temporary but ended up being a permanent position. The problem was the hours were long and the boss was mean and nasty. I stuck it out for a good long while but not really healing from my aunt’s death and my depression. I was just going through the motions every day. Get up, work 12 hours (some of which was done at home), eat dinner, go to bed, get up, and do it all again the next day — on repeat… This was not really helping my depression. My house was neglected, my health was neglected, and my relationships were neglected.

    In 2014, I had attended Awakening Fest in VA and prayed over that weekend for an awakening. I didn’t really know what I was looking for other than there was more to life than how I was living it. Fast forward a year (after continuing to go through the motions of everyday life), I entered into an affair. I was awakened on one level pretty quickly but it’s been a continuing journey of awakening since then (which is 3 years now). Around this time, I had also left the job I had for the past nearly 3 years and now work for a great place. As all places, it has its certain issues but it’s such a relief to have a team of people that can help out when needed or be able to take time off without guilt and be able to take care of myself like going to the doctor.

    Anyway, back to the numerology part – I’m still healing and learning and growing. I have this dream of moving to Nashville which will be happening in about a year (maybe 15 months). I have been so excited and drawn there. It’s not anything I’m forcing and I’ve received so many confirmations since I’ve made the decision nearly a year ago after my husband and I separated. But recently, a good bit of fear has surfaced. Like, what if Nashville isn’t what I am expecting it to be — the new beginning and my soft place to land from central MD. What if I get stuck in old financial patterns and find I can’t do this and I lose everything? That’s the type of spiral thinking I can get into. It’s not constant bombarding thoughts but they’ve started to creep in the closer I get to my vacation in Nashville next month and the closer I realize the move is.

    Reading this article about 666 is making me see that my current thoughts and fears aren’t aligned at all with the big dream I have, and I have put this out to the Universe which has heard me and it started putting things in motion almost immediately, and even still, that is aligned with me being in Nashville. I need to refocus and trust God and the Universe he created has my back and will complete what he has started in me… It’s hard some days, though, to fully trust that I won’t get it in my own way because that’s what I’ve done for a long time…

    Thanks for listening (aka reading) and have a blessed day, everyone!

  • Rhonda on

    Response to Anonymous on July 30, 2018

    Dear Anonymous:

    There is a great book title: Whatever Happens, Love That. If you are repeatedly seeing 666, the Universe is literally clobbering you over the head to make a change from your normal, safe, comfort zone.

    3s, 6s, and 9s, especially when repeated, are calls to action. I know how hard it can be to navigate in this earthly realm, with its dichotomies, judgments, and uncertainties. It is illusory. We are all part of a collective known as God — pure, unconditional love, and acceptance. This is not a feeling, which is human. It is pure energy, and we all have this within.

    Ayurveda and yoga have a term for this: Namaste: the god in me acknowledges the god in you. You are here for a reason. Stand in your power, trust your instincts, and let the Universe guide you.

    Namaste, Earth Angel.

  • George Cisneros on

    I saw 666 when I was at the recycling place and I was given 666 on my receipt. Later on, I also saw 666 on my receipt at another store. I’m trying to figure out what this number means for me.

  • Kris on

    Response to Anonymous on July 30, 2018

    While I may not be able to feel your exact pain, I do understand what it’s like having a bad relationship with your earthly father. Every chance I’ve given mine, he seems to let me down, but forgiveness is the key…true forgiveness.

    Please come along with me on this next thought.

    Imagine you and I are sitting at a picnic table in a park. I’m holding a playing card and all you can see is the back side of it (Bicycle playing cards is the brand). Now, imagine that I tell you the card I am holding up is the ace of spades. There is no way for you to know if I’m telling the truth or not because you can only see my body language and characteristics and decide for yourself if I’m telling the truth, or bluffing.

    On the other side of that card is myself, and I know for a fact that I am holding the ace of spades because I can see it and feel it. All logical evidence allows me to know that the card I’m holding is the ace of spades.

    I wish I could flip this card around and show you what I see, but I can’t. You just have to trust me.

    My point is this: I’ve literally just had a life-changing experience and I can tell you for sure that God is real. He loves us and he will forgive us for ANYTHING. That’s it. But I can finally say with 100% certainty that there is a God who cares for us. Trust.

  • Christopher on

    Thank you for this article.

    Hi, I’m Chris. It’s been 2 weeks since I’ve been seeing the number “66." I didn’t know if the meaning was bad or what, so I decided to search for articles about it and found out that I’m not alone having this thing in my head.

    For me, when I’m charging my phone, I always check my battery percentage and it always stops at 66%. While playing games for more than 12 hours, I check my battery and it shows 66% again. I think this always happens to me for about 3 times a day.

    Also, after computing my salary, the last number is 66, even the interest I got was 6.66. I don’t know what to think anymore. I just don’t want to bother with it so I just think positive. Thank you!

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